
ezpays avatar image
ezpays asked Jeffrey Blattman answered


What is a clover solution for emv payment with customer POS device?

Developer Pay API
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

Our devices support EMV payments.

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ezpays avatar image
ezpays answered David Marginian edited

I meant my POS device, no your devices

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

What does that have to do with us? I am sorry I really don't understand your question. If you have a POS and would like to initiate a payment on one of our devices we have our Clover Connector SDKs (remote) for various platforms -

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ezpays avatar image ezpays David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Look here, I have my POS device and SDK to read EMV from my POS device. I just use your API with my EMV data. Because your clover SDK is matched your clover Device, I am not sure your clover SDK can connect and recognize my POS device. So I want to know your Clover EMV flow. Let me know EMV API.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ ezpays commented ·

There is no EMV API, and I still don't understand what you are trying to do. We have remote pay sdks which will allow your POS to initiate a payment and take it on a Clover device. Or we have card not present transaction via our EComm API.

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Jeffrey Blattman avatar image
Jeffrey Blattman answered

We don't have an "EMI API" per-se. The way your app would perform an EMV payment is by passing an amount to a Clover app that will do it for you. Clover devices are PCI-certified using the Clover application for EMV payments. If you were able to write your own app, your app would need to be separately certified.

You'll have to trust me that you do not want to deal with the details of an EMV transaction or PCI certification yourself.

You can start by looking at That's the activity intent your app will start to initiate a card payment.

See also for starting a transaction where the user can select the tender type (cash, card, etc).

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