
dbriese avatar image
dbriese asked markmullandev answered

Clover freezes on SWIPE credit card payment

We are using Remote Pay Windows 1.0.0 and connecting to USB Pay Display 1.0-107 via the Windows REST Service. Running Windows 7 (or higher).

Recently when our merchants attempt to process a swiped (non chip) credit card, the Clover Mini freezes. The transaction eventually times out. On our side we are not receiving the Receipt Options {"EventState":"RECEIPT_OPTIONS","Code":0,"Message":"Customer is selecting receipt type…","InputOptions":[{"keyPress":"BUTTON_1","description":"No receipt"},{"keyPress":"BUTTON_2","description":"Print". This indicates the swipe was not successful.

This is occurring at several different merchants.

Chip credit cards process correctly.

Has there been any recent changes to the Clover SDK or Clover updates pushed that would cause SWIPE credit cards to fail? Is there a setting or anything that we can do to correct this problem? This situation is critical for us.

We will eventually get everybody to Remote Pay Windows 1.2, but it will not happen fast enough for our users who need to process non chip credit card sales today.

All ideas and suggestions welcome. Thank you!
REST APIClover Mini
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clover-community-helper avatar image clover-community-helper commented ·

Moved to Semi-Integrations space since you are using Remote Pay Windows.

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1 Answer

markmullandev avatar image
markmullandev answered
Working with the developer on this issue in a private thread through so we can exchange sensitive information.

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