question avatar image asked Daniel James answered

Closeout is not working on Remote Pay iOS

I'm using Remote Pay iOS (v4.0.0) to take closeout on Clover Mini.

But it's not working while other activities (e.g. Sale, Void, Refund, ...) work well.

I saw a same question 2 years ago ( but didn't have a working answer.

Clover Minisemi-integrationsRemote Pay iOS
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered commented

Can you explain what "doesn't work" means? Are you not getting a response like the post you linked? If you are doing this on sandbox, manual closeout will be disabled and you should be getting an immediate failure.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total. avatar image commented ·

onCloseoutResponse is not firing.
I'm using Demo device (Clover Flex) and Real device (Clover Mini).

There is not any failure.

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Daniel James avatar image
Daniel James answered

@phandev are you able to debug, and inspect the JSON messages being passed back and forth between the Apple device and the Clover device? If so, do you see a `CLOSEOUT_RESPONSE` message come back from the Clover device? It should look something like this:

WebSocketCloverTransport :  148          DEBUG  websocket onText: {"attachment":null,"attachmentEncoding":null,"attachmentUri":null,"directed":false,"fragmentIndex":null,"id":"56","lastFragment":null,"method":"CLOSEOUT_RESPONSE","packageName":"","payload":"{\"reason\":\"Closeout is not enabled for this merchant.\",\"status\":\"FAIL\",\"method\":\"CLOSEOUT_RESPONSE\",\"version\":1}","remoteApplicationID":"","remotePayCompatibilityVersion":1,"remoteSourceSDK":"com.clover.internal.apps","type":"COMMAND","version":2}

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