
elemental avatar image
elemental asked David Marginian commented

Semi-Integration App Review for Clover Connector Android SDK

We have an in-house Android POS system (restaurant with 25 locations) and I would like to create a USB connection to a Clover Mini to start transactions.

I recently completed the Semi-Integration Intake Form located here:

However, I didn't get any confirmation email or ID that I can use to reference my application.

Seeing the large backlog of developers here mentioning that reviews take hundreds of days, I'm concerned about the process.

I ordered a Clover Mini DevKit to start developing but I'm unsure of how the approval process works.

A few questions,

1) What is needed from this approval process and what will I be provided? My Android app is in-house and will not be published anywhere. I simply need to use the USB Pay Display App to start transactions from my in-house Android app. I don't plan on creating any web app or using the REST API.

2) What sort of timeline should I expect here?

3) I make weekly updates and deployments to our Android in-house app. Will I need to go through an approval process with Clover each week, even though this app will never be hosted on any Clover devices?

I appreciate any insight anyone can provide here.

Clover Minisemi-integrationsUSB Pay Display
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian edited

Some documenation on the process, to help answer question 1:

2) I believe normally we say 6-8 weeks, however, that time greatly depends on how accurate the information you provide is and how much back and forth there is. I also understand that we are currently experiencing some delays, per some other posts here:

We apologize for the delay. We are currently experiencing some adverse impacts from the various Covid-related lockdowns, shipping delays, and necessary leaves of absence.

3) Re-approvals, etc. apply to changes to your Clover app's configuration (or apks running on a Clover device). It sounds like your system will be completely remote, so, you won't be impacted by re-approvals (assuming you do not need to change something in your Clover app config).

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elemental avatar image
elemental answered David Marginian commented

1. Given that the developer is the merchant on record, and we do not want the app published anywhere, it seems like a lot of hoops to jump through to simply start a transaction on the Clover Mini from our existing POS. I’m assuming there is no expedited process for this though?

2. Is there anywhere I can review the status of my application? For example, what if the google form didn’t submit correctly, how would I know? Im worried about waiting 8 weeks to find out that the process is actually not in the right pipeline.

3. Sounds good.

On another note, is there any existing android app that I could install and send an intent to, one that is already approved and will simply kick off a transaction for me?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·
On another note, is there any existing android app that I could install and send an intent to, one that is already approved and will simply kick off a transaction for me?

That is what USB Pay Display is. It is an approved app that Clover developed. That doesn't allow you to by-pass approval for your integration.

Given that the developer is the merchant on record, and we do not want the app published anywhere, it seems like a lot of hoops to jump through to simply start a transaction on the Clover Mini from our existing POS. I’m assuming there is no expedited process for this though?

Yeah, I have pushed for an expedited process, but I am not really certain it exists.

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elemental avatar image
elemental answered David Marginian commented

Thanks for all the info David!

Signal boosting one of the questions since I buried it in a lot of other questions:

Is submitting the Semi-Integration Intake Form the only step I should be doing right now? I haven't gotten any confirmation email or application ID to track my submission.

Also, curious to understand what exactly the approval does for my app. Does it add some sort of approval for my RAID? Does the Clover Mini check my RAID against the approval status before accepting any connections? Does this affect sandbox testing with a clover mini devkit?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

The approval means your integration has been permitted by us. Without it you will be in violation. We confirm that your application can handle the payment flows and meets other requirements. The bottom line is that we need to know who is initiating the payment, who is integrating with us, etc. This becomes especially important when the merchant requests support. Many times the merchant thinks the issue is on the Clover and when it is actually the external point of sale. Currently we check the RAID in Canada but not in the US, but we may in the future.

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