
Sukhbir Singh avatar image
Sukhbir Singh asked Sukhbir Singh commented

Need to open Transaction application's print receipt screen

Hi @,

I am using clover connector SDK in my clover application. I want to open the Transaction application's receipt screen(Attached) from my clover application with the parameter Payment and Order Id. Please suggest if it is possible?


Also, I see that clover intent documents are not available at the place Have clover relocated it?

Also, I know that the Clover connector provides a way to open print receipt screen for respective payment and order id with the help of following code:

var dror = new DisplayReceiptOptionsRequest();




Please suggest if the payment connector provides the same or another way to open the print receipt screen to reprint the receipt for the respective payment and order id.


Clover Android SDKPrintPaymentConnector
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered Sukhbir Singh commented

"I am using clover connector SDK in my clover application."

Based on the rest of your question, I think you meant to say that you are using Payment Connector, not Clover Connector.

Assuming that is correct, have you tried - (merchant facing).

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Sukhbir Singh avatar image Sukhbir Singh commented ·

Hi @ Yes, I am using Payment Connector which is available in connector SDK. Also, I checked "" and found that this screen provides a printing functionality only by passing EXTRA_ORDER_ID. Is there any way to pass the Payment transaction ID in place of the Order id, Actually print should generate as per the transaction?

Also on this screen, some unwanted options(Highlight in the attached) are visible, Can we remove or hide them by using extra settings?


Also, if possible then this will be great if you suggest a way to open the screen as attached in the question. Where Merchant Receipt and Customer Receipt both options should be visible.


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unwantedreceipt.png (92.4 KiB)
David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ Sukhbir Singh commented ·

That intent is handled by the orders app and I believe you must pass an order id. I do not believe there is a way to remove the options you highlighted. The only option I can think of is for you to generate a custom screen and use the Android SDK to print if you need that level of customization.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Start by posting the code you used to print.

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