
Sukhbir Singh avatar image
Sukhbir Singh asked lisalm edited

Urgent: Need to print discount on receipt in case of Cash payment

Hi @David Marginian, @Greg

I am integrating cash and card payment in my application. I am using payment connector to make sale request for paying by either Credit or Debit card. I am using following code for the cash payment to open cash drawer and to list the payment in clover cash log:

Bundle extras = new Bundle();

extras.putParcelable(ARG_ACCOUNT, account);

CashEvent cashEvent = new CashEvent();



cashEvent.setNote(“Application note”);

extras.putParcelable(ARG_CASH_EVENT, cashEvent);

Bundle response = getContentResolver().call(CashContract.CashEvent.CONTENT_URI, METHOD_ADD_ENTRY, null, extras);

if (response != null && response.getBoolean(ARG_SUCCESS, false)) {

CashDrawer.open2(context, account);


But I am unable to get the transaction id for the cash payment. Please suggest.

Also please suggest a way to print the discount along with the amount of discount on the receipt in case of cash payment. Please suggest.


Clover Android SDKPrintPaymentConnector
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1 Answer

Jacob Abrams avatar image
Jacob Abrams answered Jacob Abrams edited

The code you have posted is for non-payment related cash operations. For example opening the cash drawer and removing some cash for some reason.

If you want to accept all tender types: credit card, gift card, cash, check, etc I suggest using the following Intent to start an activity that will help you handle all those things:

public static final String ACTION_CLOVER_PAY = "com.clover.intent.action.PAY";

See full documentation here:

PaymentConnector seems to offer only card present functionality and doesn't appear to support other tender types.

Regarding discounts your question is not clear, you are giving customers a discount just when taking cash payments?

You may use OrderConnector#addDiscount or OrderConnector#addDiscount2 to add a discount to an order. The discount can be a percentage of the total order.

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