I have made use of the export API already some weeks ago. Now that I made some more tests I noticed that my initial request returns elements that have status "DONE", although they are not within the time frame given in the JSON payload of the request. These elements seem to be old results and don't seem to be related to the current request. Is there something wrong with my request or a bug?
https://apisandbox.dev.clover.com/v3/merchants/ABCDEFGH/exports/?access_token=abdecfgheh&return_null_fields=true # body: { "type": "PAYMENTS", "startTime": 1577838602000, "endTime": 1580344202000 }
# result, only first entry
{ "elements": [
{ "id": "ZPMF4KVZN4BVW",
"type": "PAYMENTS",
"status": "DONE",
"statusDescription": null,
"percentComplete": 100,
"availableUntil": 1585173090000,
"startTime": 1530653798000,
"endTime": 1533245798000,
"createdTime": 1585086683000,
"modifiedTime": 1585086721000,
"exportUrls": {
"elements": [
"url": "https://storage.googleapis.com/...",
"export": { "id": "ZPMF4KVZN4BVW" }
] },
"merchantRef": { "id": "ABCEDEF" },
"pgpPublicKey": null },
Also I have given PAYMENTS, but I also get ORDERS as results. I will post the real request as a private comment to make it testable.
In addition it would be interesting if there is a possibility to expand results like with REST API? For example within payments "tender" is only included with an id. If I have to request the tender for each payment separately with REST API it would somehow defeat the purpose of the export API.