
aadel avatar image
aadel asked aadel edited

Orders Not Created By Create Order REST API On Sandbox


We are trying to create orders using REST API. Sending a POST request to create order REST API

with the following body:

	"customers": [ 
		  "id": "83D4...", 
		  "merchant": {"id": "T4NX..."},
		  "metadata": {},
		  "state": "open"
Returns the following 200 OK response:
	"href": "...",  
	"id": "G6R2...",
	"currency": "USD",
	"employee": { "id": "T5B6..."  },
	"taxRemoved": false,
	"isVat": false,
	"manualTransaction": false,
	"groupLineItems": true,
	"testMode": false,
	"createdTime": 1552932177000,
	"clientCreatedTime": 1552932177000,
	"modifiedTime": 1552932176000
However, querying Orders REST API following this call returns the following response:
  "elements": [],
  "href": ""
Also, displaying Orders from the sandbox merchant panel returns no orders. Could you please advise?



Modifying the request body to

	"currency": "USD",
		  "id": "83D4...",
		  "merchant": {"id": "T4NX..."},
		  "metadata": {}
	"employee": {"id": "CVPV..."},
	"total": 1900,
	"state": "open"
created the order successfully.
OrdersREST APISandbox
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1 Answer

zgreathouse avatar image
zgreathouse Deactivated answered zgreathouse Deactivated edited
This request body is invalid for creating an order. Additionally, you cannot initialize an order with a customer. The order must already be created before making the association between the order and the customer.

To create an order you would use the following endpoint and request body:
//minimum required field
	"state": "open"

To associate a customer with an order you would use the following endpoint and request body:
	"customers": [
		{ "id": "*************" }
10 |2000

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