
wimpsquad avatar image
wimpsquad asked wimpsquad edited

Developer account credentials intermittently rejected

I started using Clover in the last week, and I'm not having great success so far. I'm hoping I'm just stupid and it's really not this bad.

While trying to test different things while developing, trying to solve a real problem, I keep getting "Please check your login credentials." Those credentials worked earlier today. The same thing happened last night, but today when I tried, it worked. I use a password manager so it's definitely not that the credentials are wrong.

I tried using the Forgot Password workflow but the email that it claims got sent never showed up (and yes, I checked my spam folder). Several times.

I read another thread to a similar tune and the rep basically blamed what is clearly an auth bug on the user not having set up 2FA.

Please assist as you can with the login. I need to get back to trying to figure out the impossible customer-facing app OAuth connundrum.
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1 Answer

wimpsquad avatar image
wimpsquad answered wimpsquad edited
This seems to be related to web-dashboard-logging-out-my-developer-account.
10 |2000

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