
Danielle Cox avatar image
Danielle Cox asked MANDI answered

No Custom Item in category

I am creating a category via the API/SDK. When I display the items in the category in register, it is also showing "Custom Item". Is there a way to let register know there is no custom item in this case? It can make things confusing.



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jrodriguez avatar image
jrodriguez answered
Can the custom item in each category be set to not show in the Register?
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MANDI avatar image
MANDI answered
In my experience there is not a way to completely remove the custom item button from appearing however if you go into employees/permissions/access register and pull down the options you will see three options for employee, admin and manager. You could remove the access to add a custom item to an order. To my knowledge this is the only work around. Add a custom item to an orderRoles
Employee Manager admin

I have local bars and nightclubs whom this custom item button wreaks havoc on in their reporting. I wish there were a way to remove it completely.
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