
devendra avatar image
devendra asked keithryanwong Deactivated commented

Tender void in a refund transaction

Hi Team,

We are doing void tender during a refund transaction, it is showing tender void response as successful. But refund transaction is not being deleted from cloud transactions.

Below is the request and response for the flow :

REFUND REQUEST : {"orderId":"QXV2N9492J9BE","paymentId":"40JCPE3TA42DT","amount":849,"fullRefund":true}
RESPONSE :: success : true, result : SUCCESS, reason : null, Message : null
Payment ID : 40JCPE3TA42DT, Order ID : QXV2N9492J9BE, Refund Info : Refund{json='{"clientCreatedTime":1527509680765,"amount":849,"createdTime":1527509680765,"payment":{"id":"40JCPE3TA42DT"},"id":"0SEYGBT9T4J8W","taxAmount":null,
"employee":{"id":null}}', bundle=null, changeLog=null}

TENDER VOID REQUEST : {"paymentId":"0SEYGBT9T4J8W","voidReason":"USER_CANCEL","employeeId":null,"orderId":"QXV2N9492J9BE"}
RESPONSE :: success : true, result : SUCCESS, reason : SUCCESS, Message : No extended information provided.
RESPONSE Payment info :: isSuccess : true, isAuth : false, isPreauth : false, isSale : false, Payment : null
When we do tender void in sale transactions , it deletes the payment transaction done from cloud transactions.

It should be similar for refund transactions or this is normal behavior?
Please clarify.

Clover Minisecure network pay display
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devendra answered
Hi Justin,

Here the issue is we are doing refund on the same card after voiding that tender once, but we are getting below error:
" This refund would make the order's total refunded amount greater than the original order's amount"

And as per our understanding this means that refund is not voided properly otherwise we should be able to perform refund again without any issue.

Also is there any way to verify if the refund tender void was successful, like in sale we can check in transactions application.

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devendra avatar image
devendra answered keithryanwong Deactivated commented

If voidPayment API is only used to reverse the payment (means only sale transactions), then what should be used to reverse a refund. Here we have requirement to reverse the refunds.

Whats the clover API which support this behavior?

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