
devendra avatar image
devendra asked justina Deactivated edited

Refund failure for POS and clover mini integration

Hi Team,

We are getting frequently below message while doing a refund. But the refund is showing successful in cloud transactions.
"This refund would make the order's total refunded amount greater than the original order's amount"

We have done refund several times but was not getting this message earlier.

Find below the refund request and response :
REFUND REQUEST : {"orderId":"DN6EVQ19ZH9QY","paymentId":"HZQYWB9CCXTKE","amount":1594,"fullRefund":true}
RESPONSE :: success : false, result : FAIL, reason : FAIL, Message : This refund would make the order's total refunded amount greater than the original order's amount.

Please let us know what could cause this issue.

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