
adenarb1 avatar image
adenarb1 asked jsam40746 answered

Reset Clover Mini for a New Sandbox Account

I bought a used Clover Mini, thinking I could reset it and activate it with my Sandbox account. Now, I can't figure out how to factory reset it without the admin password. I asked the previous owner several times, but they wouldn't tell me. I don't want to pay $700 when I already bought a perfectly fine reader. Is there a way to factory reset it without the admin pin. Will there be a way to add it to my developer account?

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natalieclover avatar image
natalieclover answered


I see someone has responded to you via Thanks for sending this there as well!

I may post the resolution here for others to see in the future as well.



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vphan avatar image
vphan answered

Hi can you please share the answer here. I also need to reset a used Clover Mini for sandbox development. THanks

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danacormick avatar image
danacormick answered danacormick edited

So pity. I also don't know how to solve. The only way is to contact with support team.

Edited by slope 2 hours ago

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bellachicago avatar image
bellachicago answered bellachicago edited

Unfortunately, factory resetting a Clover Mini typically requires the admin password, and without it, it can be challenging to regain access. If the previous owner isn't cooperating, your options may be limited.

You might want to reach out to Clover's customer support for assistance—they may have a process for resetting devices that are locked. As for adding it to your developer account, that usually requires the device to be reset first. I hope you find a solution soon!

Edited by tap road 2 hours ago

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jsam40746 avatar image
jsam40746 answered

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