
abrower10612 avatar image
abrower10612 asked David Marginian commented

How to test multiple MID numbers on sandbox app in development?

My colleagues and I are working on the architecture of our database as it relates to different businesses that will be using our app. We are storing data in the database by the unique MID numbers provided to each Clover customer. So we created two separate Clover sandbox accounts to test this, but found that both have the same MID#. Is it possible to have a different MID# for our second sandbox account for the purpose of testing our database structure?

Any information is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian commented

You aren't using the correct merchant id, you need to use the Clover merchant uuid which is the 13 character id in the url (when on the transactions page in the merchant dashboard).

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abrower10612 avatar image abrower10612 commented ·

If I understand correctly, the Clover merchant uuid is specific to a single location, correct? If a merchant has 10 locations, won't they have 10 different merchant uuid numbers? We are wanting to store data in a single database collection for all locations that a merchant may have, not just for one location.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ abrower10612 commented ·
Correct, each location has a distinct Clover uuid. I am not certain about the mid you are referring to. That being said I think all merchants in sandbox have the same mid and I don't think there is anything we can do about that. Regardless this is out of scope for this forum. Please contact and perhaps they can help you.
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