
hj02 avatar image
hj02 asked chanel Deactivated commented

Clover App Updater does not save in emulator

I am following the instructions for android emulator setup outlined here :

I do not have Genymotion, so I am using the default AVD manager with Android Studio. Here are my device definitions:

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image description

I have downloaded and installed the APK files for the Clover App and App Updater in the emulator. I have also linked my account in the emulator.

The issue I have is with step 4. After I linked my account, the App Updater automatically began downloading the Clover apps. For whatever reason, whenever I exit my emulator, it begins that process over again. The clover engine and app updater are still on the emulator, but the app updater begins downloading the 28 apps again.

When I tap the home button, I do not get the option of using the clover launcher. I am assuming that is the launcher app that is downloaded via the app updater.

Any files that are downloaded to the emulator via its web browser are saved permanently, and I can re-open them after restarting the emulator. Is there possibly an issue with where the apps are being downloaded to?

I have tried using the snapshot method in the emulation options, but for some reason it never starts the emulator, it will only run under Host GPU.

Any suggestions would be helpful.


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Mike M avatar image
Mike M answered jforker commented

Another method of changing your Home Launcher is:

[EDIT] The Launcher is an additional apk available for download with the dev-apks, it is normally automatically downloaded with the App Updater.

[2ND EDIT] I can confirm that this is indeed a bug on emulators running 4.2.2 and our engineering team is tracking it. In the meantime, a temporary solution is to use Android 4.4.4 instead. Sorry for any inconvenience this has caused.

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hj02 avatar image hj02 commented ·

Thank you for your response. I followed your instructions, and neither the android launcher nor the clover app will allow me to click restore defaults, with the message that no defaults are set. I still have never gotten the option to select a home app when I press the home button.

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mcdev avatar image mcdev commented ·

I am having the same problem. I was once using the Blue Stacks emulator. I moved away from it because it was buggy, but when it did work, the app updater would download the apps and they would immediately prompt me to install. I am now using DuOS. The apps download and disappear without installing.

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jforker avatar image jforker commented ·

Same problem. Not too impressed with Clover dev support at the moment...

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hj02 avatar image hj02 commented ·

After doing some messing around with the shell, I think the issue lies partially in the Clover Engine. It does not appear to be listening to the MAIN action. Using adb shell, am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN, the Clover Engine does not appear on the list, while the default Launcher does.

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Mike M avatar image Mike M commented ·

I just edited my answer, I was incorrect in that the launcher is not packaged with the Engine apk. You may manually download the Launcher.apk via The current available version is:

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cdcilley avatar image
cdcilley answered chanel Deactivated commented
So, 2 years later and no resolution. I'm having this same problem.
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