
linwh1984 avatar image
linwh1984 asked parquet76 edited

Questions about the production merchant account

I have a few questions regarding the differences between the sandbox and production environments: When I registered an account in the sandbox, it automatically included a developer account. However, after logging into the production (live) account, I noticed that there's no developer account associated. Do I need to apply for a developer account separately for the production environment? In the merchant account, under "View All Settings," I noticed options to configure the public key and other related settings. However, when obtaining a token in the sandbox environment, I did not use these details. Could you clarify if the process of obtaining a token within an app in the developer account is different from the process for a merchant account in production? I appreciate any guidance you can provide on these matters.
Thank you!

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1 Answer

parquet76 avatar image
parquet76 answered parquet76 edited

The clover docs explain the environments - The token settings in the dashboard are for cases where a merchant wants access to the clover apis. If you are building a clover app/integration you will use the oauth flow instead of these tokens. Per your other post, it looks like you are using webhooks. You must have a clover app in order to use webhooks so you won't need the merchant tokens. Please keep in mind it will take several months (if you are lucky) to get your app approved.

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