
Al avatar image
Al asked martinemma sent

Enable Muti-Pay for Merchant Account

Hello there,

I have a merchant that is using my platform, but multi-pay is not enabled for this account. This is preventing card-on-file transactions from processing. Please kindly enable this function for this merchant; I will provide the details privately.

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yohannathomas avatar image yohannathomas commented ·

As a student, has been an invaluable resource for me. Their expert writers have consistently delivered high-quality papers that have helped me excel in my studies. With their assistance, I've been able to meet tight deadlines and overcome challenging assignments with ease. I highly recommend the platform to any student in need of reliable academic support!

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

This is not a request we can fulfill. The merchant will need to contact support and request a change to their token.

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