
khurram avatar image
khurram asked David Marginian commented

OAuth Creation Issue

Hi I need an oauth token to run Ecommerce Service API. Although I have access_token which I created from dashboard account of clover and this access_token works well with Platform API.

but did not get where to create oauth token can anyone help me with this

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered khurram commented

An OAuth token is obtained via the OAuth flow, this happens (the first time) when a merchant installs your app -

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khurram avatar image khurram commented ·
Can you explain about app? Because i am not creating any app on clover
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian commented

Apps are required for integrations with Clover. If you are just using our API you would need to create a web-app - (see all subsections). More information about the app/integration process (approvals, etc.) can be found here

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khurram avatar image khurram commented ·

i am using your api for my mobile apps through which i can creating categories, inventory, modifier groups etc.

but now I am stuck because I have created an atomic order but unable to do payment on clover site.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ khurram commented ·

Ok, any integration with us requires a Clover app and that app must be approved by our team. I have no idea what you are actually trying to do (making a payment in production?) as you have provided no details on the environment you are hitting, the requests you are making, or the errors you are receiving.

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khurram avatar image khurram David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·
no i am using sandbox account i will provide you screenshot
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khurram avatar image khurram khurram commented ·

i have an issue during payment of an order APi srceen shot is given below

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clover-payment.jpg (71.9 KiB)
khurram avatar image khurram khurram commented ·
When I was hitting the payment of an order Api I put following fields

access token

tender id

order id

but facing the issue that is already provide in the form of screenshot.?

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