
aakashmcoderz avatar image
aakashmcoderz asked chris1058 edited

Clover POS Restarts When Processing Card Payments: Video Link

I'm experiencing a critical issue with my Clover POS device. Whenever I attempt to process a payment using a card or manually input card details, the system behaves erratically and restarts unexpectedly.

Has anyone encountered a similar issue or knows a solution? Any immediate assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Video Link

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chris1058 avatar image
chris1058 answered chris1058 edited

Hello, @

Here are some steps you can try:

Restart the Device: Power off and restart your Clover POS device.

Check for Updates: Ensure your device's software is up to date.

Inspect the Network: Ensure a stable internet connection.

Reboot Router: Restart your router/modem. nystateofhealth ny gov

Contact Support: Reach out to Clover support for immediate assistance.

If the issue persists, there might be a hardware problem requiring professional help.

I hope this suggestion will help you

Best regards


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aakashmcoderz avatar image
aakashmcoderz answered

This doesn't seem to work.
Anyone from @Clover community?

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