
kapilk avatar image
kapilk asked kapilk commented

How can we identify that card transaction is done by swipe or manual card entry ?

Hi @David Marginian
Need to identify credit card payment done by swipe or manual card entry.

getting 'com.clover.tender.credit_card' for swipe and manual card entry when querying with tenderId.

Below screenshot from orders app.

Clover Android SDKsemi-integrationsClover Station
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered kapilk commented

You need to provide information on how you are integrating with us, what APIs are you using? Since you posted this in the "Semi-Integration" space I will assume you are using Clover Connector. If you are, please inspect the payment response, payment -> cardTransaction -> entryType.

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kapilk avatar image kapilk commented ·

Our app is running on clover station and showing clover payment page by using

Intent intent = new Intent(Intents.ACTION_CLOVER_PAY);
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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ kapilk commented ·
You should have access to the same data in the result (I am guessing there is a payment extra, please take a look, it's been awhile since I have experimented with ACTION_CLOVER_PAY).
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kapilk avatar image kapilk David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Can you please explain clearly and give me sample snippet. I get back the same information in onActivityResult what I have set. Not getting any payment information in the result.
But card swipe or manual card entry can't be decided before showing clover payment page.


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