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zeejaydev asked zeejaydev edited

Why the login so glitchy?

using , as my developer dashboard but the auth is so glitchy, if i leave the tab open without interacting with it for 15 minutes or longer, when i come back to I have to relogin to be able to make changes to my app, for instance this happened to me just right now.
I was setting up webhooks so I opened the webhooks page for my app settings, then I went to set it up on my server when i came back to it I posted the url to get the verification and it was giving me 504 error on the webhooks page, I tested the url on post man and it was working, so I assumed i needed to relogin to , and once I did it worked fine.

and this causing a lot of issues while interacting with the test merchant too, I have to relogin every 15 - 20 minutes, even though i have the remember this device for 14 days.

developer platfom
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