
charles-plante avatar image
charles-plante asked jcy answered

I want to install my app to many test merchant

How can I test my app on on multiple merchant in the sandbox ?

When I preview in develloper dashbord, it only can be installed on my default merchant.

Also, when try to upgrade the plan

message: "Cannot prepare merchant's billing agreement email"

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1 Answer

jcy avatar image
jcy answered

i know this one!

Copy your APP ID.
Then go to your merchant dashboard.
left nav panel > more tool > app market home > choose any app.
Then replace the last part of the router, ..apps/QEKPENRHQJY2T (e.g., Clover Dining by Clover), with your APP ID. (change QEKPENRHQJY2T to your APP ID)
Then connect. :)

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