
manojkumarsmks avatar image
manojkumarsmks asked parquet76 edited

RestAPI and Getting Code


What I am trying to achieve ?

  • Automate the items available in certain categories in my restaurant after 3:00PM.
  • Get access to printers so I can forward Wix restaurant orders to my printers.

What is my confusion ?
I am using sandbox to get used to API's. To get Access token, I need to use the redirected URL basically send a request with client_id, client_secret and code (from redirect url), use this token to access the API.

Even to automate some categories via RestAPIs, do I need to publish, and install an app in my clover systems ?

REST APIApp MarketAPI Token
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1 Answer

parquet76 avatar image
parquet76 answered parquet76 edited

As a merchant you can just generate an API token via the clover dashboard.

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manojkumarsmks avatar image manojkumarsmks commented ·
Thank you, but I have multiple restaurants, I was thinking I can I can use this tool as a separate entity.

So using the scheduling tool to talk with Multiple restaurants to push menu changes based on time. So do I still need to publish the app for access the menu and printers ?

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parquet76 avatar image parquet76 manojkumarsmks commented ·

You either use a merchant token for each merchant or you get an app published.

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