
jonsebastianbach avatar image
jonsebastianbach asked Frank Faustino Deactivated answered

Question re: custom e-commerce site and Clover integration


I am a Clover merchant and software developer with a medium sized brick-and-mortar retail store (5000 unique inventory items). I am planning on developing a custom e-commerce website using React/Redux and Node.js hosted on Amazon's serverless platform service (AWS Lambda + API Gateway).

I was wondering how easy it would be to integrate my online store with Clover's REST API. Would this tech stack (serverless React/Node) be appropriate?

After reading the docs, it appears that the only way I would be able to get an Oauth merchant token for my store would be to register as a developer and publish the web app to Clover's marketplace? Is this necessary? I intend for this to be a simple online store that is integrated with my Clover merchant account, NOT a SaaS app for consumption by other Clover merchants.

Currently, I'm at the stage where I'm playing around with the REST API using an API token from the Setup app in a developer sandbox account.

Is there any way I can test order creation and payment processing in a sandbox environment?

Thank you for your help!

REST APIApp MarketOAuthAPI TokenDeveloper Pay API
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