
2daynation avatar image
2daynation asked tinnu098 sent

Private App


I have a web based application for which I would like to include the clover iframe checkout process into my cart. This is for this ONE client only, and it is thus a private app. I am not using any webhooks. How can I go about getting it working?

I have been working in the sandbox environment, and I was using the private key token successfully, until recently it is no longer working - authentication fail. I believe it is changing. I am trying to set up the oAUTH if I need, or can I work around this as this is a private app?

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dalecampbell avatar image
dalecampbell answered

It will be a nice idea so far if you can add this feature. I will wait for further reply. Thank you so much!

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bryanvargas avatar image
bryanvargas answered

if this is for one merchant, I would recommend using their merchant generated token.

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