
vsmarimuthu avatar image
vsmarimuthu asked vsmarimuthu commented

Webhook in clover

Hi All,

I am trying to integrate clover with salesforce. We already have 3 live merchants purchased licesnsed with clover.

So whenever a order happens in clover I need to send that data to Salesforce URL through web hook.

I am struggling a lot to correct point of direction.

1) Since we have live merchant already do I need to create developer account , create app and publish and then have to do the integration.

In shpify we will have web hook URL directly so once we place that what ever orders placced by customers will come directly but here clover is bit confusing.

Can some one guide me in proper direction

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parquet76 avatar image
parquet76 answered parquet76 edited

You need an app to use webhooks, the webhook configuration is tied to an app. If you don't need the order data sync'd to Salesforce immediately I would consider a polling approach so you can just use merchant tokens.

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vsmarimuthu avatar image
vsmarimuthu answered vsmarimuthu commented thanks for your reply.

So if I create app and its going to be for our use only , do I need to publish that app for approval?

or is there any way I can map my app to my merchant and can start using it.

Why I am asking is as per the documentation we need to create developer account, get it approved , then we need to submit our app for approval (which will take 8 weeks) for approval.

Since I dont my app to be available in clover app market is there any private app or something I can develop?

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parquet76 avatar image parquet76 commented ·

Private apps still need to go through the approval process which is why I recommend you poll if you don't need real time data in sales force. You can poll every few minutes or something.

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vsmarimuthu avatar image vsmarimuthu parquet76 commented ·
Got it. and how to pick only the new orders.

Suppose say my scheduler runs now and fetching 2 orders(A & B.) and when my scheduler runs second time after 5 minutes new orders (C) only needs to be picked up and not A and B

Sorry for lots of questions really difficult to follow clover documention

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parquet76 avatar image parquet76 vsmarimuthu commented ·

You filter by date using the last time you checked. If there is a bit of overlap you can use the order id which is unique (if you already have an order with the same clover id, ignore or overwrite it).

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