
jacobnarayan avatar image
jacobnarayan asked markschultz edited

What Token/Keys Do I Use For Custom E-commerce Integration

I am building a custom e-commerce integration for a client of mine.

I see there are a few different ways to generate auth tokens to use the api.

The first, which I've already done is make an app, redirect the merchant to sign in and generate an oauth token.

The other two types of tokens are merchant key and e-commerce public and secret client.

From what I understand I am not allowed to generate a merchant key/api token for custom e-commerce integrations.

So naturally I want to use e-commerce public and secret client, however I have found zero documentation on how to use this to authenticate requests or the sdks.

My question is, what is the correct type of token to use for a customer e-commerce integration?

The app simply displays inventory, allows users to build a cart/checkout, and uses the iframe integration to accept payments. This seems like a pretty straight forward use case but I have probably wasted 10 hours reading the documentation and community boards trying to find an answer.

I keep finding conflicting information both in the documentation and from Clover employees in the community dashboard.

So please for custom ecommerce integration what can I do? I'd like to simply create an API token in the merchant dashboard and use this to authenticate my api calls through the SDK.

API Tokenecommerce
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jacobnarayan avatar image jacobnarayan commented ·

I wrote a blog for anyone struggling with this, hope it helps.

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parquet76 avatar image parquet76 jacobnarayan commented ·
Thanks Jacob. I read your post and it is accurate in the case of a single merchant integration. However, for developers building a public app that will be installed via the app market by many merchants an app is required and so is approval.
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jacobnarayan avatar image jacobnarayan parquet76 commented ·
Yes, thanks for pointing that out. I have a website template I sell to single merchant and perform a one-time setup so for my purposes that is fine.
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essg avatar image
essg answered sgtcoder commented

This is exactly where I am. I have a merchant account where I can generate public and private tokens but I have no idea how to get from them to the iframe integration. Even the YouTube video which looks to be so helpful doesn't have the correct GitHub links to the Postman JSON collection. I have been working on this solution off and on for months now. Please answer this question and point us in the right direction.

Thank you.

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parquet76 avatar image parquet76 commented ·
The public key is your PAKMS, you will use that when you tokenize. The private key is your access token, you will use that for all other API calls.
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jacobnarayan avatar image jacobnarayan parquet76 commented ·
where is the documentation on this?
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parquet76 avatar image parquet76 jacobnarayan commented ·
I am not sure there is any.
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markschultz avatar image
markschultz answered markschultz edited

When it comes to e-commerce, the right tools and platforms can make all the difference, especially when dealing with customer transactions and managing keys for secure purchases. Understanding what token keys to use and how to integrate them into your system is crucial for smooth operations. I remember diving into e-commerce myself and found Afremov reviews incredibly helpful in guiding my understanding of different online platforms. The feedback from real users gave me insights into the practical side of things—whether it’s handling payments or securing customer info. It’s definitely worth checking out if you’re looking to get more familiar with the world of e-commerce!

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