
developer1 avatar image
developer1 asked blakemcginn commented

500 internal server error on end point v1/customers- ecommerce api

Really appriciate your help. We are getting 500 internal server error on production /v1/customers end point. Flow is same which we have tested on dev sandbox except we replaced Bearer authoization with Oauth2.0 access token.

These are our steps

1- Generate Oauth2.0 access token {"access_token":"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"} as per clover instructions.

2- Use Oauth2.0 as autorization Brearer key in PAKMS/apikey end point to get apiAccessKey

3- Use apiAccessKey":"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" from end point PAKMS/apiKey (Step 2) to generate source using Clover credit card iframe.

4- Use source from step 2 and access token for bearer authorization from step 1 for /v1/customers end point to create customer.




"ecomind": "ecom",

"lastName": "Smith",

"phone": "7038392100",

"source": "clv_xxxxxxxxxx",

"firstName": "John ",

"email": "",

"name": "John Smith"




"message": "500 Internal Server Error",

"error": {

"code": "processing_error",

"message": "Internal Server Error."



clover developer communitye-commerce apiAPI Tokenecommerceaccess token
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developer1 avatar image developer1 commented ·

Any one knows:

If developer or app approval required before ecommerce apis work on production?

We are working for a specific client and have no plan to deploy app in clover market.

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bryanvargas avatar image bryanvargas ♦♦ developer1 commented ·
Your app has to be approved in PROD for it to work on Live Merchants. Not sure how you are testing it in PROD if its is not approved, unless you are using a test merchant.
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developer1 avatar image developer1 bryanvargas ♦♦ commented ·

Thanks a lot. we can get approval going. But just a side note. I am using a test merchant for now.

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