
hanguyenphu avatar image
hanguyenphu asked lisalm edited

How to enable auto print payment receipts Network Pay Display


Our merchant uses Clover Flex with the "Automatically print customer receipts after each order" and "Skip receipt screen & begin next transaction" options Enabled in the Setup. Despite these settings, automatic receipt printing does not occur when payments are made in the Network Pay Display. Could you clarify whether this discrepancy may be attributed to a Reactjs code error in our integration or if the Network Pay Display doesn't adhere to the settings in the Payment Receipts Setup?

Additionally, is there a method to compel the device to automatically print the receipt upon processing the payment request and address this issue?

Thank you

semi-integrationsPrintsecure network pay display
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1 Answer

parquet76 avatar image
parquet76 answered parquet76 edited

Other people have asked similar questions, see You mentioned React so I assume you are using the Remote Pay Cloud SDK. Have you looked at the API reference and documentation?

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