if (deviceEvent.eventState == clover.remotepay.DeviceEventState.RECEIPT_OPTIONS && alwaysPrintSetting === true) { for (var option of deviceEvent.inputOptions) { if (option.description == "Print") { this.cloverConnector.invokeInputOption(option); break; } } }
Yes. The deviceEvent is returned in ICloverConnectorListener#onDeviceActivityStart. https://clover.github.io/remote-pay-cloud-api/1.4.2/remotepay.ICloverConnectorListener.html
We have implemented your suggestions above. But it looks like the listener callback ICloverConnectorListener#onDeviceActivityStart is not triggering when the printer option is display in the clover screen.
Here's the snippet that we are using. It's straight from the example provided by clover SDK :)
ExampleCloverConnectorListener.prototype.onDeviceActivityStart = function (deviceEvent) {
console.log('onDeviceActivityStart Start');
So what would be preventing the callback when the printer option is being displayed? Are we missing a setting on the clover POS device?
Btw we are running this on sandbox environment.
Please advise.
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