
jarrednolabyte avatar image
jarrednolabyte asked jarrednolabyte commented

App denied without reason

My app was denied without reason after nearly 4 months of being in review. I have seen to email for insight about apps, but our first email was sent to them in mid January without a response. We have 2 more apps lined up to be submitted by the end of the month with zero correspondence from the Clover team. The app ID is C0173RF8STVCA under NolaByte.

If anyone has any other contacts to email, please let us know.

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1 Answer

bryanvargas avatar image
bryanvargas answered jarrednolabyte commented

If you apply back to the thread of the rejection, they should explain why it is rejected. Also please review our developer agreement, legal policies and app market policies.

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jarrednolabyte avatar image jarrednolabyte commented ·
I have replied to them and reviewed the conditions, seems like we do not breach any. Unless a bug occurred, it also looks like someone on the Clover team resubmitted our app, we got an automated emailed that it has been submitted and it is longer denied, but just pending review. Either way, thanks for the response.
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