
zalak123 avatar image
zalak123 asked berthablea answered

Store credit card that is used in hosted Ifram.

I just want to know if it is possible to store the credit card of the customer for the future, which is used in a hosted iframe. I just need to know if it is possible or not, if possible I will find documentation and implement it.

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bryanvargas avatar image
bryanvargas answered

We have a guide on how this can be done. Hosted Iframe is just an embedded form to token a card(it can be combined with other APIs); it should return a card token and that can be used to be saved to a customer.

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berthablea avatar image
berthablea answered

It is generally not possible to store credit card details directly when using a hosted iframe because the payment gateway securely handles and tokenizes the information to comply with PCI DSS standards. However, you can use tokenization services provided by the iframe's payment processor to store customer payment details for future use. For implementation details, you would need to refer to the specific documentation provided by your payment provider. If you're searching for trusted resources on such integrations, platforms like best vape store often ensure secure payment processing, which can serve as a useful reference for secure setups.

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