
abi avatar image
abi asked David Marginian commented

Ecommerce Payment tokens across multiple merchants

Hi @David Marginian : Is it possible to get a payment source token which works for multiple MIDs. I currently have two Test Merchants setup in sandbox. Our current use case requires us to be able to use the payment source ids: clv__******* across different merchants. I generated the above payment source token with Merchant 1 (J2K****325YE1) credentials and tried to invoke the E commerce charge endpoint:

using Merchant 2 which is F50R****QFFHA credentials and I'm getting a 404 for Merchant 2.

Any thoughts on this?

semi-integrationse-commerce apiMerchant
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian commented

Please contact and provide some information on your use case.

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abi avatar image abi commented ·

Hi David Marginian

So for example we have Merchant1, user1 provides payment details through a web app and we get a clover payment token1 and store it. At some point in future user1 would like to purchase something from Merchant2 using clover payment token1. If there are multiple merchants (merchant1, merchant2) linked to one account, is it possible to use token1 for merchant2? If we can't do this then we would have to generate a payment token for every merchant per user? something like user1_payment_token1_merchant1, user1_payment_token2_merchant2.
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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ abi commented ·

Please contact and provide some information on your use case.

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