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foodstorm asked foodstorm commented

Are vaulted cards from Remote Pay compatible with e-commerce API?

Hi there,

We are vaulting cards from Clover devices using the Remote Pay Javascript SDK.

When attempting to process a payment via the e-commerce API, using the token from Remote Pay, we always get a 401 Unauthorized error - see request & response below.

The documentation says that the Developer Pay API has been superseded by the E-Commerce API, but am I right in thinking that we need to stick with the Developer Pay API for tokens returned from Remote Pay?



Authorization: Bearer c3e0f****db86

Accept: application/json

Content-Type: application/json








StatusCode = 401

X-Clover-Request-Id: 55f10de7-52e5-4ce3-5563-bb0ccf543aa1



"message":"401 Unauthorized",



"message":"401 Unauthorized"



e-commerce apiDeveloper Pay APIRemote Pay Cloud
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