
natana avatar image
natana asked bryanvargas edited

How to setting my app to multi region?

I Checked docs(

Unfortunately, the multi-region settings could not be found.

Can you tell me how to set it up? Thank you.

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1 Answer

bryanvargas avatar image
bryanvargas answered bryanvargas edited

You have to have a developer account for the environment:

  • for the US and Canada
  • for the UK and ROI

Log in and create the app and specific the region (clover will only have US and CAN regions and eu.clover will have UK and ROI)

Then, you will have to setup the app billing for each region.

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natana avatar image natana commented ·

Thanks for the reply.

my email is

and I want to create production account in the eu region.

However, Access your account button is not send email for me...

Is there anything I need to create before creating an EU account? The sandbox account has been created.

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bryanvargas avatar image bryanvargas ♦♦ natana commented ·

Can you use this link to create a eu prod dev account:

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