
jjj000 avatar image
jjj000 asked jjj000 edited

End-to-End testing alongside 3rd party Production Apps with Devkit

I just bought a new devkit and I am attempting to create a new app that will need to be able to work with other common 3rd party apps (like age verification).

I understand that the sandbox marketplace is limited, but is there a way for me to do end-to-end testing on this machine? I do not have access to a production machine. Perhaps there is a way to sideload these apk's, or temporarily switch the machine to a production testing account?

Thank you so much for your help

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bryanvargas avatar image bryanvargas ♦♦ commented ·
I would recommend contacting the Developer about partnerships. You can be added as a team member under their profile to have the ability to download the app to a test merchant or you can see if they can share their updated APK for sideloading.
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jjj000 avatar image jjj000 bryanvargas ♦♦ commented ·

I appreciate your assistance and suggestion.

However; I'd like to inquire about whether there is another option that doesn't require direct cooperation from another party like that?

I trust that many developers will not have the ability to provide the apk (whether it's their own decission or company policy).

If I'm developing software for a client who has a "multi-plugin stack"; how can I ensure that my software will interact properly with these other plugins without deploying directly onto their terminal while they're trying to run their business?

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bryanvargas avatar image bryanvargas ♦♦ jjj000 commented ·

We do not have that option.

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