
bldtex avatar image
bldtex asked richvkh1212 answered

Old Station device stating offline

We have an application that was in development that went on hiatus for awhile. We are wanting to resume this process, but are running into an issue with the Station device that was used for testing and development.

The Clover applications/settings on the device are listing offline with a red triangle in the top right corner of the screen. Trying to adjust settings within the device seem to have no effect.

The devices settings do confirm that we can connect to the Wi-Fi or Ethernet, and a part of the old application that made a test call to our own servers works fine. Both the device and account used for testing show up in sandbox, and everything looks correct there.

Any direction in regards to this issue would be appreciated!

Related to this issue, when trying to add a Tender getting the following error:

"Status code: 500 No peer certificate"

SandboxClover Station
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Jacob Abrams avatar image Jacob Abrams ♦♦ commented ·

Could you attach logcat output from the device and run adb shell getprop and send the output as well so we can see more information about what build is installed to the device and what errors show up in logcat.

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Jacob Abrams avatar image
Jacob Abrams answered

Solution was to factory reset the device from Android Settings.

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bldtex avatar image
bldtex answered bldtex commented

Unfortunately having issues with the device connecting to the studio. The station is connected to same network but will not sync with android studio for the output.

The application is on the machine, but other than the "Status Code: 500" error, it can post requests to our server just fine. Seems like anything clover related is failing.

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Jacob Abrams avatar image Jacob Abrams ♦♦ commented ·

To develop for original Station will you need to get ADB working. See for tips.

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bldtex avatar image bldtex Jacob Abrams ♦♦ commented ·

Thanks Jacob,

Looking at the logcat file, the issue seems to be linked to the ssl: No Peer certificate. Couple of calls listed from the log below:

I/DeviceHttpClient( 680): CommonApplication GET*****/app_carousels?expand=apps HTTP/1.1 took: 397ms

I/AppCarouselLoader( 680):loadInBackground( error load App Carousel. mID: *****

I/AppCarouselLoader( 680): No peer certificate

I/JsonHttpClient( 544): execute( Starting POST to url:*****/tenders

E/InitActivity( 3628): status code: 500 No peer certificate

Pretty much any navigation to a screen displaying the offline message prompts that error one way or the other.

As for the adb shell getprop, is there specific info from the output you are needing?

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Jacob Abrams avatar image Jacob Abrams ♦♦ bldtex commented ·

In particular I'd like to see the value of `` using `adb shell getprop`. It may simply be that the applications on your device are so old they are missing some updates that allow them to trust the certificates being returned by apisandbox but the apps are unable to update simply because they are so out of date now. Factory resetting the device will force the device to delete all the apps and re-install them. The other possibility is that the OS itself is out of date and not updating for some reason. You can also run this command `adb shell dumpsys > dump.txt` and send us the output. Basically we need as much logging and data dumped from the device as possible to diagnose the problem.

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truemussels avatar image
truemussels answered

I'd like to see the value of '' in particular using 'adb shell getprop'. It's possible that the applications on your device are so old that they're missing some updates that would allow them to trust the certificates basket random returned by apisandbox, but the apps are unable to update because they're so old. When you factory reset your device, it will delete all of your apps and reinstall them. Another possibility is that the operating system is out of date and is not being updated for some reason.

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ferty avatar image
ferty answered

The program is present on the system, however apart from the "Status Code: 500" issue, it can successfully submit requests to our server. Everything clover-related seems to be failing. geometry dash subzero

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wewe avatar image
wewe answered

URL Appreciate the practical advice in this article. Very useful!

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richvkh1212 avatar image
richvkh1212 answered

I'm thankful for the author's Area commitment to helping others through their writing.

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