
chrissaffire avatar image
chrissaffire asked Buy Verified Cash App Accounts sent

Cash Transactions

We have an android POS that we're integrating with Clover. Our app currently supports Cash and Card transactions.

We're interested in using the PaymentConnector for credit card transactions since it provides us with customization options, like not printing receipts because we want to handle that directly in our app.

For cash transactions we are unsure if we have to record them within Clover or can we just record them directly in our system? If we need to record them in Clover, can we do so through the SDK directly and avoid using the the less flexible payment intent ACTION_CLOVER_PAY which provides both cash/card options, but no ability to suppress receipt printing?

All order management will occur within our platform. We're effectively just trying to use Clover for the hardware and for credit card processing.

We're trying to verify that we can go this route and won't run into any challenges getting our app through the review process. We've seen a few community posts where similiar approaches seemed to have run into some challenges.

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian edited

You do not need to record the cash payment in Clover. It is your POS, do what you would like. Of course if the merchant accesses the Clover dashboard then they won't see the payment and it won't be available in Clover's reporting, etc.. I wouldn't expect the merchant to be doing that though if your point of sale is the system of reference.

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15mgm15 avatar image
15mgm15 answered David Marginian commented

@David Marginian Just to be on the same page, we are going to submit our POS app to the clover store, if we do that are we going to run into approval issues while we submit our app to the clover store?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

You should not encounter any issues related to how you intend to handle cash transactions. I am not an expert in app approvals, etc. However, I believe that generally external POSs are considered private, and not available in the App Market. You may want to contact developer relations.

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