
ramu avatar image
ramu asked parquet76 answered

Want to fetch Transactions Status like PAID, PARTIALLY_PAID

Hi team,

We want to get Transactions Status like PAID, PARTIALLY_PAID using this API for every transactions. Is this possible to get payment status without using get Order status API for specific payments.

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1 Answer

parquet76 avatar image
parquet76 answered parquet76 edited

I don't think what you are asking makes sense. A Clover order can have 1 or many payments. Partially paid, etc. applies at the order level (e.g. if not all payments on the order are complete), not the payment level. The order has a paymentState which I believe is what you are referring to as "status". So it seems your question is, can I retrieve the order's paymentState without retrieving the order? The answer is no, you need to retrieve the order to get the order's paymentState. Also, be aware you will need a few expansions for paymentState to be accurate -

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