
jitesh-tandel avatar image
jitesh-tandel asked David Marginian commented

Android App for payment receipt print


I am using the Clover print REST API. Print API print Order Receipt and Kitchen Receipt perfectly but not Payment Receipt. I discussed with the clover community and they suggested me to develop an android app.You can refer the below given following link. My merchant just wanted to print Payment Receipt.

Is it good enough if my android app has only notification settings feature just to print receipts? similar like the below attached image. My application would be specific for one merchant so I don't need other features like Orders, Order details,etc. I will push notification to app using the REST API and app will listen for that notification and print receipts. If I develop an Android App, will it approve just with the notification settings feature? May I know how much approx time the clover team for an app approval process? device-2019-09-03-145259-1030x644.jpg

Thank you.

REST APIClover Android SDKApp MarketPrintapp approvals
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian commented

I didn't recommend you create an app - "This is a ton of work, and not feasible in my opinion". It is a lot of effort to create an app and get it approved. You are looking at an approval process of around 6 weeks or more.

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jitesh-tandel avatar image jitesh-tandel commented ·


Is there any plan to launch print Payment Receipt feature with the print REST API in near 2022? I think the clover should implement Payment Receipt print feature with their current REST API. We can leverage this feature if required in any case.


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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ jitesh-tandel commented ·

No, I don't believe this will be supported in 2022.

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