question avatar image asked disegnidacoloraremd answered

Print color receipt with build-in printer

Hi, I'm building a native Clover app.
I saw this app able to print color with Clover POS printer.
How can I do that?
I didn't see any document / tutorial from Clover


Clover Android SDKApp MarketPrint
1616709871601.png (71.8 KiB)
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

That app doesn't print in color, it prints sheets for children to color.

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Jeffrey Blattman avatar image
Jeffrey Blattman answered Jeffrey Blattman commented

The only printer we support that has color is the Star SP700 (kitchen printer). Unfortunately we don't provide a generalized print function where you can control the printer at that level. We use red text for some receipt elements.

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zapfen avatar image zapfen commented ·

i have different order types like to go or dine in or on the fly. so is it possible to change the color in red of the order type? now its black and the kitchen ditnt see many times TO GO

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Jeffrey Blattman avatar image Jeffrey Blattman ♦♦ zapfen commented ·

No, it's not possible.

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sscoloring avatar image
sscoloring answered

If you are looking for a website that allows you to explore, download and print free PDF coloring pages for children, you should not miss SSColoring.

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disegnidacoloraremd avatar image
disegnidacoloraremd answered offre una vasta collezione di disegni da colorare gratuiti, pensati per stimolare la creatività di bambini e adulti. Il sito include categorie come personaggi famosi, animali, e paesaggi da esplorare con colori vivaci.

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