
jitesh-tandel avatar image
jitesh-tandel asked David Marginian commented

New Print REST API: Payment Receipt print issue


I have used the new Print REST API to print receipts(Kitchen, Order, and Payment) automatically. The new Print REST API prints Order Receipt and Kitchen Receipt perfectly but it does not print Payment Receipt. My Merchant needs Order Receipt and Payment Receipt at the reception registered printer. Merchant will keep Order Receipt and end customers will have Payment Receipt.

I am using the below code for printing.

curl --request POST \
  --url{mId}/print_event \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{"orderRef": {"id": "8K5KW7A3G2G02"},"category":"LABEL"}'

To troubleshoot, I retrieved the merchant properties using the following API to know more about Receipt Printer settings. In the API response, I noticed "autoPrint" property is set to False. I am not sure whether that property is important or not for the Payment Receipt printing.{mId}/properties

The Payment Receipt is the hold-up from the code going into production. Am I missing something?

If it is possible then how can I print the Payment Receipt? Please help me to fix this problem.

Thank you

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian commented

No, it is not possible. If the merchant requires a payment receipt they can manually print it when the customer comes in to pick-up their order.

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jitesh-tandel avatar image jitesh-tandel commented ·

Sorry to say but my merchant needs payment receipt automatic like the Order Receipt.Right now Order Receipt print automatically when a new order comes in. I would like to know How can I make it automatic? Please provide me any idea or approach which I can present to my Merchant.

I am waiting for your reply.


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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ jitesh-tandel commented ·
The only option would be for you to build a native app (android app that runs on the merchant's Clover devices) and then uses the Android SDK to print the payment receipt. This is a ton of work, and not feasible in my opinion. I am not quite sure why your merchant insists on this. When payments are made via our EComm API the receipt can be viewed online, etc.
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