
apatterson2 avatar image
apatterson2 asked finacussolutions Deactivated answered

Is Homebase required for time tracking in Clover?

I understand Clover can be used with Homebase for time tracking, but can Clover Shifts be used without Homebase?

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian commented

This forum is for third party developers that build apps on Clover's platform. That being said, I will try to help. I believe the Shifts app is being sunset at some point in the future (I don't have a date). It should work up until that time and I imagine notifications will be sent at some point warning of the sunset and providing a migration path.

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apatterson2 avatar image apatterson2 commented ·
Thank you, David. That is very helpful. I am looking to build an integration that will pull shift data from Clover. It's been difficult to find details regarding if the Shift API can be used to access Homebase shift data or just Clover Shift data.
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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ apatterson2 commented ·
Good question, so your question is if our shifts API returns Homebase data, correct? I am guessing that it does not.
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apatterson2 avatar image apatterson2 David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·
Thank you, David.
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sydneyy answered

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nehotac avatar image
nehotac answered

Thanks! Practice with slower-paced levels first and gradually increase the difficulty slope 3

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sydneyy avatar image
sydneyy answered

No, Homebase isn't required for time tracking in Clover, but it can be integrated if needed. SQFT Construction, specializing in Grey Structure services, offers streamlined project management without added software requirements, helping ensure projects stay on schedule and within budget.

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sydneyy answered

At Gunderson Funeral Home, we provide heartfelt services to honor cherished memories with dignity and respect. Guided by compassion, we support families through their most challenging times, offering tailored arrangements that reflect each unique life. Partnered with Global Wiza Hub, we extend our dedication to inclusivity, connecting people worldwide with resources for cultural and personalized memorials. Together, we ensure every farewell is meaningful, comforting, and unforgettable.Clickhere

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