
jlo09 avatar image
jlo09 asked David Marginian commented

Hosted Checkout - Payment Webhook

Hello, I am implementing the Hosted Checkout on my website. I have successfully authenticated and received a checkout session. Once I complete the payment, I'm getting a webhook notification and receive the following data:

Array ( [type] => PAYMENT [id] => PJGEHg3B4Z5HR [merchantId] => MYMERCHANTID [created] => 1649263620.268 [status] => APPROVED [message] => Approved for 4279 [checkoutSessionId] => 5224d174-35bc-46d5-9893-1Da5f75ece68 )

What I'm trying to do now is to verify the authenticity of the Webhook message. I saw there are instructions here: Clover Signature

My problem is that I am not receiving a "Clover-Signature" header in the webhook notification. Now, if I read careful, the documentation says, "A message for a Webhook notification may also include a header called Clover-Signature". So in the case the header is not present, are there any guidelines on how to verify the authenticity of the Webhook message?

Thanks in advance!

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian commented

Hmm, there certainly should be a Clover-Signature header, I just tested this recently and the header was present.

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jlo09 avatar image jlo09 commented ·

I thought there would be one, I just printed the entire post using the following:

$json = json_decode(file_get_contents("php://input"), true);

The above array was printed.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ jlo09 commented ·
I don't know PHP but that sure seems like you are just reading the response body, the signature is a header.
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