
anayooleru avatar image
anayooleru asked parquet76 commented

No orders found when I call to get a specific order.

Below are different the orders two different clover devices returned to my webhook:


The 'O:' order, I can call this <clover_url>/merchants/${ merchantId}/orders/${ orderId}?expand=lineItems,customers

And it returns the specific order items. But 'P' returns "No Orders found".

Are they two different devices, what is the cause? How can I get an order from 'P' event type.

Additionally, there will be many requests to the API to get the customer info:

<clover_url>/merchants/ ${ merchantId } /orders/ ${ orderId } /payments?expand=cardTransaction

But it returns:

{ message: '429 Too Many Requests' }

{ message: '429 Too Many Requests' }

How can I fix the limit?

OrdersREST APIecommerceWebhooks
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anayooleru avatar image anayooleru commented ·
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1 Answer

parquet76 avatar image
parquet76 answered parquet76 commented

P is a payment not an order, check the webhook docs. Same for the 429:

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anayooleru avatar image anayooleru commented ·
So it seems there some Clover device that returns O - Order, and I can get all the purchases under that Order and there are Clover device that returns P - payment, and I can't get to see the purchases made.
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parquet76 avatar image parquet76 anayooleru commented ·
Huh? A payment an an order are different things. A device can create both. There is an API to retrieve an order, and there is another API to retrieve payments.
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