
bobbygill avatar image
bobbygill asked udaray answered

Issue with Payment API

We are using Ecommerece API for Payment for our App. When we try to call that API, we are getting 503 Error from the last few days for Sandbox. Production is working fine.

Here is the API URL:<OrderID>/pay

We are getting the below response:

    "message": "503 Service Unavailable",
    "error": {
        "code": "processing_error",
        "message": "Tokenization service not initialized properly"

It was working fine before few days and we haven't done any code changes in the last few days.

REST APIAPI Tokenecommerce
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Steve avatar image
Steve answered

thanks for bringing this to our attention we believe this has been addressed.

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udaray avatar image
udaray answered

Very useful information, I like this article. I hope you are pleased to visit my website percetakan jakarta timur

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