
Memo avatar image
Memo asked Memo commented

What event or message should I listen for when the Mini v2 is waiting for manager's PIN?

  • Windows Remote Pay SDK 4.0.5
  • .NET Framework 4.8
  • Semi-integrated
  • Clover Mini v2

Is there an event fired or an activity response for when the device is waiting for a manager's PIN? I've logged every event specified in the ICloverConnectorListener interface from PIN entry, to pairing, to sale request completion, but haven't seen anything related to PIN entry.


Clover MiniRemote Pay Windows
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered

There is no event for that, you haven't successfully connected to the device yet.

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Memo avatar image
Memo answered David Marginian Deactivated commented

Hiya David. Thanks for your reply; it makes sense.

A just came across this response in the log:

    "Action": "com.clover.remote-terminal.remotecontrol.action.V1_EMPLOYEE_PERMISSION_REQUEST",
    "Payload": null,
    "Success": true,
    "Result": 0,
    "Reason": null,
    "Message": null

I find no reference to "V1_EMPLOYEE_PERMISSION_REQUEST" in the SDK source and google yields no results.

I take it that response isn't from a PIN request, no?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·
Yeah I don't think we expose that. Is there a reason you are focusing on this? Pairing should really only be a one time event.
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Memo avatar image
Memo answered Memo commented

I'm not really focused on this; it was more of a curiosity. The connector is initialised as startup with listeners added/removed where necessary. A pop-up is displayed when a pairing code is received. I was just wondering if there was an easy, straight-forward way to say, "hey, stupid, enter a manager's PIN".

In any event, I'll make something work.

Thanks again, David, for your replies. Have a great day!

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

You could display a message in your POS when onDeviceConnected fires, that means that a connection has been established but that the device is not ready to process requests yet, one reason why it may not be ready is because the device is waiting for pin entry.

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Memo avatar image Memo David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·
Thank you for the reply. and suggestion.

I'm just thinking at user login if the payment controller is enabled and the clover connector isn't connected, display a pop-up asking to pair.

But as some point, I grow rather tired of trying to idiot-proof things for lazy end users.

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