
Vishal avatar image
Vishal asked David Marginian Deactivated edited

BUSY::PROCESSING_PAYMENT status when i do transaction


I am using Clover SDK 4.0.4 remote pay windows C# application.

I am getting BUSY::PROCESSING_PAYMENT status when I do fast transaction in POS. After get this status I can't able to display items and other information in clover mini from POS. How to bypass the status? or skip the status. Thanks

Much appreciated your quickly response.

Clover Minisemi-integrationsRemote Pay Windows
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1 Answer

Vishal avatar image
Vishal answered David Marginian Deactivated edited

This device is connected with a POS system running on Windows OS.

Fast transaction: When we process the transaction quickly in the POS it is giving the error and disconnects the connection with the CLover Mini.

Basically, the example workflow is:

From the POS screen, when you get to the Payment screen, and quickly process the payment as Cash and close the window then it disrupts the Clover Mini and breaks connection with it by giving the above mentioned error.

Please advise.

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