
martin7 avatar image
martin7 asked finacussolutions Deactivated answered

Card Encryption for getting card token with PHP


I am trying to encrypt the card info for getting Card Token, but I have no idea why the encryption is wrong.

This is what I am doing:

$pa_key = bin2hex( base64_decode( TA_PUBLIC_KEY_DEV ) ) // The key is from the CDN

// According to JAVA example the first 256 characters are modulus and second 256 characters are the exponent. (Unless I read something wrong)

$modulus  = substr( $pa_key, 0, 256 );
$exponent = substr( $pa_key, 256, 256 );

// I use latest version of phpseclib to generate the public key

$rsa_public_key = PublicKeyLoader::load(
     'e' => new BigInteger( $exponent, 256 ), // I tried also with 16 instead 256
     'n' => new BigInteger( $modulus, 256 ), // I tried also with 16 instead 256

// According to JAVA example the prefix is 00000000

$encrypted = $rsa_public_key->encrypt( '00000000' . $card_number );

$pan = base64_encode( $encrypted );

Note that I also tried getting modulus and exponent from the pay/key endpoing and sending a transarmor_key_id in the request for the token, but still got same error response.
I even tried with getting the public key from the PEM key returned form that same endpoint and encrypt the card with it and got the same error again.

The data is the following:

Our decoded value of the key above:
Modulus value from the above (the first 256 characters of the string above)

Exponent value from the decoded key ( the second 256 charters of the string above, starting 256 position to 512 )
Generated RSA Public Key using the modulus and exponent
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
Card used: 6011361000006668
Prefix used: 00000000

Generated pan using the generated public key for encryption:

Error returned:
    [message] => 500 Internal Server Error
    [error] => Array
            [type] => api_error
            [code] => processing_error
            [message] => An error occurred while processing the token request.

Request Body:
"card": {
"encrypted_pan": "MDF6ssGpYN3tbzLy5cMkNM/nefm4YggJTb0+xTVjDXbrSUzJOslb7tJBszxAU+RQhatSwmPHd9kEIl9aQogJSEt8+QfKsh0ivPVnvAU45zSw5S6XVQw+lxnI7DGFdBygh6XFhr7Yzq+00Fwv2bByWBKGH+mSMzuAAhx9bD73b3bymnpXLoG2Jzv90BAdtPSYChENVTfqh1RGyGVnquGP8lsKME9eQsY83r/siHkH76PGXHdV8Axvbp8pD4Hytxm2BwDBsXvGaeDBg7O8vvJOoRMDviHg9e8wfftgWQZcse1BlF8D3vMHu7BwQ2gQsLLKgCmihHYl5Dh13mv0lFUZ2A==",
"first6": "601136",
"last4": "6668",
"exp_month": "09",
"exp_year": "23",
"cvv": "123",
"brand": "Discover"

API TokenDeveloper Pay API
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zelnaga avatar image
zelnaga answered exelanzgirija commented

Most likely the modulus is this:


...and the exponent is this:


65537 is a really common RSA exponent. 65535 isn't so common so who knows. I suppose it could be 415029 as well (eg. pack('H*', '065535')).

The modulus I posted is 512-bytes vs 256-bytes but it's only 512-bytes in base-16 - in base-256 it's 256-bytes, which is consistent with what you're saying.

So if you use the 512-byte modulus as the string you'd do this:

new BigInteger('...', 16);

...and for the exponent, possibly, this:

new BigInteger('65535);
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martin7 avatar image martin7 commented ·

I tried and didn't work.

The exponent being 415029 (btw how did you get 415029 from 065535?) seems correct because the same exponent is returned from the pay/key endpoint, but the modulus returned from the endpoint is different "2413028797502124404270222380568....". Maybe needs some decoding since its length doesn't seem right and is 617 characters .

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martin7 avatar image martin7 commented ·

So dechex(415029) returns 65535 and also I tried converting the modulus returned from the pay/key endpoint to hex and got the same value as the 512 one above. So I am getting these correct and still getting the same error.

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martin7 avatar image martin7 commented ·

Finally got it.

I used the native PHP function for encryption

openssl_public_encrypt( '00000000' . $card_number, $encrypted, "$rsa", OPENSSL_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING );

Bellow full code:

$pa_key = bin2hex( base64_decode( TA_PUBLIC_KEY_DEV ) );

$modulus  = substr( $pa_key, 0, 512 );
$exponent = substr( $pa_key, -5 );

$rsa_public_key = PublicKeyLoader::load(
     'e' => new BigInteger( $exponent, 16 ),
     'n' => new BigInteger( $modulus, 16 ),

openssl_public_encrypt( '00000000' . $card_number, $encrypted, "$rsa", OPENSSL_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING );

$pan = base64_encode( $encrypted );
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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ martin7 commented ·
Thank you for posting your solution, I'm glad you got it working and I am sure this will be helpful to others in the future.
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exelanzgirija avatar image exelanzgirija David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Hi David, I am able to generate the pan. But while using this pan to create card token i am getting below error. Could you please help me?


"message": "400 Bad Request",

"error": {

"type": "invalid_request_error",

"code": "invalid_request",

"message": "Please provide either raw pan or encrypted pan."



************************** API Request **************************
Here is my API request:



$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();

$response = $client->request('POST', '', [

'body' => '{"card":{"brand":"VISA","encrypted_pan":"WxT5sFWwHdhZZt+wijzt1OhO7ekiwO6XUa6fkk+EuxSiC9J4JLPwzyEulS4ltp6V7uW9+khSskCMBmXXB7hoGxEnQcfPjn6u5906yJe8bCzjjVKmH0z9pYwQcvDbZX2KoOEtcAQRDPO5uQMyj1Og4IJeHTRNmiTq3HHr4NqIORf8T/fl9RK0z+TI6aIk1c4qKaJj8lZMuE3GSLkJ4PBr7ORofZPmpvhFMA37g9s7mBAK4ES5r/+mDAZP5RoaSE/ISuUsrP25kmElHvdjfnemro9Ga/EFj/14KSjsAXKR++yNMrJ4Ai1e9Wl0OsaV78rF9lj+Us8BDzf2W5RvUE0a1g==","number":"4242424242424242","exp_month":"07","exp_year":"2025","cvv":"123","last4":"4242","first6":"424242"}}',

'headers' => [

'accept' => 'application/json',

'apikey' => '6fbcb53820d1de2ee765d1fdc9d0e044',

'content-type' => 'application/json',



echo $response->getBody();

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exelanzgirija avatar image exelanzgirija martin7 commented ·

Hi Martin, I am able to generate the pan. But while using this pan to create card token i am getting below error:


"message": "400 Bad Request",

"error": {

"type": "invalid_request_error",

"code": "invalid_request",

"message": "Please provide either raw pan or encrypted pan."



************************** API Request **************************
Here is my API request:



$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();

$response = $client->request('POST', '', [

'body' => '{"card":{"brand":"VISA","encrypted_pan":"WxT5sFWwHdhZZt+wijzt1OhO7ekiwO6XUa6fkk+EuxSiC9J4JLPwzyEulS4ltp6V7uW9+khSskCMBmXXB7hoGxEnQcfPjn6u5906yJe8bCzjjVKmH0z9pYwQcvDbZX2KoOEtcAQRDPO5uQMyj1Og4IJeHTRNmiTq3HHr4NqIORf8T/fl9RK0z+TI6aIk1c4qKaJj8lZMuE3GSLkJ4PBr7ORofZPmpvhFMA37g9s7mBAK4ES5r/+mDAZP5RoaSE/ISuUsrP25kmElHvdjfnemro9Ga/EFj/14KSjsAXKR++yNMrJ4Ai1e9Wl0OsaV78rF9lj+Us8BDzf2W5RvUE0a1g==","number":"4242424242424242","exp_month":"07","exp_year":"2025","cvv":"123","last4":"4242","first6":"424242"}}',

'headers' => [

'accept' => 'application/json',

'apikey' => '6fbcb53820d1de2ee765d1fdc9d0e044',

'content-type' => 'application/json',



echo $response->getBody();

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exelanzgirija avatar image exelanzgirija exelanzgirija commented ·

Here is my PHP code to generate PAN:


include 'vendor/autoload.php';

use phpseclib3\Crypt\PublicKeyLoader;

use phpseclib3\Crypt\RSA;

use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger;

use phpseclib3\Net\SSH2;

//card number

$card_number = "4242424242424242";

//Get Public Encryption Key from CDN ...




//Parse the Base64 public key string (returned by the CDN). Obtain the modulus and exponent.

$pa_key = bin2hex( base64_decode( $TA_PUBLIC_KEYS['TA_PUBLIC_KEY_DEV'] ) );

$modulus = substr( $pa_key, 0, 512 );

$exponent = substr( $pa_key, -5 );

//Generate an RSA public key using the modulus and exponent values.

$rsa_public_key = PublicKeyLoader::load(


'e' => new BigInteger( $exponent, 16 ),

'n' => new BigInteger( $modulus, 16 ),



//print_r($rsa_public_key); exit;

//Prepend the prefix value to the card number.

//Using the public key, encrypt the combined prefix and card number.

openssl_public_encrypt( '00000000'.$card_number, $encrypted, $rsa_public_key, OPENSSL_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING );

$pan = base64_encode( $encrypted );



Could you please help me?

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blasthaus avatar image
blasthaus answered

sorry I just say you have $encrypted returned by openssl_public_encrypt. Were you able to get it to work? I'm also looking for a snipped to use for this.

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