
pritesh25 avatar image
pritesh25 asked vhernandez Deactivated commented

Clover Notification Not Receiving

We integrated Clover notification in our app as per clover document, our app is currently in production and working well i.e. notification work perfectly.

Whereas we are facing challenges in sandbox envrionment while receiving notifications. Even we verified down time with help of

We are using Clover C500 and C503 devices.

We also checked app info in clover device, where we found something called as "~4 notification per day" as shown in below screenshot. What is exactly mean in highlighted area of screenshot?


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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian commented

Are you sure your app is installed? Are you sure it has the correct permissions? I would grab the device logs and debug a bit and then provide us with more details from the information you gathered.

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pritesh25 avatar image pritesh25 commented ·
1. Yes, app is installed in clover device(see screenshot).

2. Yes, app has correct permission because same app running in production environment perfectly.

3. using clover notification api we send notification to app. but app didn't receive notification.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ pritesh25 commented ·

Are you getting back a 200 on the notification call? Note, the notification endpoints require your app secret to be passed as the bearer (not an access token). What is your app id?

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Richelle Herrli avatar image
Richelle Herrli answered vhernandez Deactivated commented

We recently turned off URL query-parameter-based authentication in Sandbox in preparation for their removal in production. Are you authenticating using


instead of using

Authorization: Bearer <<appSecret>> 

in the HTTP header?

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pritesh25 avatar image pritesh25 commented ·

1. We already migrated access_token from url parameter to header as well for every clover api.

2. We also released updated access_token app to production environment which is working perfectly.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ pritesh25 commented ·
Are you getting back a 200 on the notification call? Note, the notification endpoints require your app secret to be passed as the bearer (not an access token).
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Richelle Herrli avatar image Richelle Herrli ♦♦ pritesh25 commented ·
I'm still seeing a number of calls from the production Swift Pizza app placing the auth token as a URL query parameter. What is the UUID of your sandbox app?
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